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Lupy Games LogoFunny Battle Simulator
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Funny Battle Simulator is an online game suitable for all ages. It is a creative way to enjoy a lighthearted battle amongst players, and will no doubt bring smiles to all its players. This game focuses on two main goals, to create an entertaining and h


  • Compete in an online battle with friends
  • Unique characters to choose from
  • Multiple levels and increasing difficulty
  • In-game features such as upgrades, magical skills, and more
  • Beautiful design and visu

    Game Controls

    • Movement Control- Arrows on the keyboard (up, right, left and down)
    • Action Control- Spacebar
    • Pause Control- Escape button
    • Sound Control- Number keys (1-5)

How to Play

Starting the game

To start playing the game, pick a unique username and create an account. Upon successful registration, the game will provide you with a basic introduction of how to utilize the character, its abilities and its functions. After


Battling Enemies

Battling the enemies is done through the use of both physical and magical attacks. The physical attacks are done by using the spacebar button, while the magic attacks will require the player to purchase magical skills for their


  • Web
  • Android
  • iOS


Funny Battle Simulator is developed by the game developer 'GameUp Studios'. They have a wealth of experience in creating games of all genres and have crafted this particular game to bring the fun and lightheartedness of a battle game to its audience. <

Release Date

Funny Battle Simulator released on 15 December 2020. The game was instantly appreciated by gamers around the world and has become a popular choice in the gaming community.

Similar games

There are other fighting games like ‘Super Smash Bros’ and ‘Street Fighter’ which provide similar experiences. They are drastically different in tone than Funny Battle Simulator, however, due to the fact that they focus heavily on skill-based competiti


What do I need to play?

Funny Battle Simulator can be played on any device that runs a web browser, Android or iOS. All you need is an active internet connection.

Is the game free?

The game is free to play, but certain in-game fea

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