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Lupy Games LogoRugby.io Ball Mayhem
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Rugby.io Ball Mayhem is a multi-player, fast-paced action game available on web and mobile devices. Players join teams and battle to be the last team standing. With a wide cast of characters, such as vikings, ninjas and alchemists, the game features a


  • Multi-player game mode
  • Level-based soundtrack
  • Characters with unique abilities and skills
  • Eliminate all other teams to be the last team standing
  • Dash and Throw mechanics
  • Power-ups and special abi

    Game Controls

    • Movement - W,A,S,D or Arrow Keys
    • Dash - Space bar
    • Throw - Left-click
    • Pass - Right-click

How to Play

Choose Your Character

At the start of the game, players are prompted to choose their character from the cast of characters. Each character has unique abilities and skills that make them better suited for particular tasks.

Choose Your Tea


Objective of the Game

The objective of the game is to eliminate all other teams and be the last team standing. Players must use their unique skills and abilities to control their characters and capture the ball. Once a team has the ball, they m


  • Web
  • Android
  • iOS


Rugby.io Ball Mayhem was developed by the video gaming studio Ready Up Games.

Release Date

Rugby.io Ball Mayhem was released on August 14, 2020.

Similar games

Rugby.io Ball Mayhem is similar to other sports games such as Rocket League, Street Hoops and Soccer Jam.


How Many Players Can Play Rugby.io Ball Mayhem?

Rugby.io Ball Mayhem is a multi-player game so up to 8 players can join a game.

Can I Play Rugby.io Ball Mayhem on Mobile Devices?

Yes, Rugby.io Ball Mayhem can be played on both And

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